Archive for March, 2011

We have had a lot of situations arise in the last while, devastating things that have brought humanity a little bit closer…

What I find though is that we come together, in sadness, and some in fear…but we need to remember to come together because of Love  Honoring, and Gratitude.

Every person on this planet has a purpose, a mission, a path that they chose before coming here.  Our goal is to fulfill our purpose, and be reunited with our Creator, this last part is many times fulfilled before leaving our earthy bodies.  To re-connect here on this physical plane is an incredible thing, for it means we are remembering, we are going within, and finding out who we are and connecting to our God-self. 

When a tragedy occurs we as human beings, remember on some level that we are connected to each other…that we are one, and we pull together in love, sadness or fear and compassion  or a combination of all of these.  The fear, the sadness is the reaction we have been taught to feel and therefore express.   We forget to honor, to be proud, to rejoice, to celebrate and most important to Love, Cherish and have Gratitude… Why?  Because we have been taught that death is awful, its to be feared and its the end.

It is not the end…it is not over…it is not terrible…. It is the Beginning of the next part…it is Like a Birth or Rebirth. 

These dear souls who have died (and I use that term reluctantly) have accomplished what they chose to do before coming to the physical plane.  Their Mission is fulfilled.  Their purpose has been achieved.  How glorious is that????  Should we not be celebrating their Victory?  Should we not be Honoring these courageous souls?  They through their actions and their purpose here have raised the consciousness of humanity higher,  new souls have awakened because of these souls completing their mission.

I am so very proud of these beautiful souls and for what they have achieved… I honor them.  I Celebrate with them because I know they are celebrating for what they have accomplished.  I cherish each one,  and I am in Gratitude for their tremendous gift…the gift of themselves.

They are now definitely reunited/reconnected with Source, God, Creator, they are embarking on a whole new wonderous journey.  I want each of them to know how very much I love them.  

So, with anyone who moves out of this plane into the next…I celebrate with them in their accomplishing their Mission,..I raise my hat,  and my heart becomes so filled with Joy for them.  They do not want us to sink down into the depths with pain and heartache they want us to move forward along our path, to achieve what we have come here for, they are rooting for us…to accomplish what we need to. 

I am loving you…Namaste

For me life has incredible meaning, and so much of what was once important to me (like stuff) is no longer important.   To me it is about my connection to Spirit, to Soul…to have this special relationship with Spirit with my true being, to connect to the wonderment of all that is. To be in ONE and to have Unconditional Love for all. To be in ONEness with the earth and all the animals, birds, sea creatures, anything breathing which means all the vegetation, the air and our water.  This is HARMONY to live in oneness with all.  To have respect, to nurture, to have compassion, to be one with all.  Therefore it means that every aspect of my life has to involve all of these.

On Shelter, the home to me  would be uniquely designed using a mixture of green products. Ideally part would be of rammed earth, cob, some wood and straw bale.  Also using recycled products as well.  The lines of the home need to be curved as are the streams the gullies, the hills to bring that curve into the home is more harmonious and represents flow, and oneness with the earth.. The main front of the home facing south, with a lot of glass and an area for the collection of heat.  If you are living in an area where there is a shortage of then to recyle the grey water for gardens or flushing toilets.   Power would be the use of wind, (in certain areas) and solar systems.

Part of the garden would be inside the home, bringing nature into the living space, creating harmony with the earth, seeds, sun, water and food within the home.  In thinking of this it means we would be living in our garden.  

Also to do with our Shelter we could have a huge area with a Community Kitchen for some of our meals, for gatherings, for preserving time, for storage of food preserves, for medicinal herbs, massage tables,  a craft area, a sewing area, library,  meeting room, a meditation space, and an upstairs area of smaller rooms for various activities, games, and also some guest rooms. 

This area would be adjacent to the community garden, the root cellar, the reg. cold storage area, the greenhouses, and also the composting areas.

The people?  Well Diversity is one of our main things, as no one is the same as the next, so each person or couple or family comes and brings their uniqueness to this community of all ages.  Firstly we need people of all walks of life, mechanics, builders, gardeners, laborers, roofers, electricians, plumbers, road builders and maintenance, teachers of living skills… I feel it would be very important to still maintain spaces in our togetherness and respect alone time.

Through this experience we would have shelter, food, clothing, community and diversity. We would be supporting each other in every way we could, each person would need to know what they have to bring into Community in order to contribute.  Some will bring money for the land and to begin the dream some the skills, but it will all have its value.

My dream is Sustainable living…  As we go further into our evolving and discover our true needs, it will be to go beyond where we are at now.

At the present time we give our power away to the banks, and other financial institutions, rely on the grid for our electrical power and the gas and oil industry for our heat and transportation, the grocery stores for our food and also our clothing.  It feels to me like nearly everything we do comes out of a box, it’s all about convenience and throw away buy a new one type of thinking.  We rely on big corporations, for our survival, we are dependant on them.  I want off…the wheel of our present existence.

I want to take back my power and be in control of creating my life fully, I want to begin this as soon as possible and be ready for the change that is going to affect every one of us.  Everywhere you look, they speak of the money markets going down. What are your plans for that time?  There are huge consequences in continuing all the oil and gas explorations and retrieval of such so that we can drive our vehicles, what is your plan for that time?  What about when there are no insurance companies and no mortgage companies…what about the telephone and and and. 

We can bury our head and say none of this is going to happen, the money will rally again, there will always be electricity… we can think that way if we want to…but tell me this when the gas prices are so high and people in the city can’t get food what then?   Is it better to be inventive and create a beautiful existence with everything imaginable and needed and be ready if the other happens?  If it doesn’t happen, boy will you be financially set.   You might even like this life ‘Balanced’ style soooo much that you choose to stay with it.

Please do not get me wrong, I am not suggesting that everyone sell their houses and do this. No it is not for everyone…but it is for some.  What my goals are here is firstly to share my dream, which will help you in seeing a clearer picture of who and what I am about. Secondly, I know things are going to change, and at that time especially if we are not prepared there could be chaos because people do not know what to do.  I want everyone to see that we do have alternatives and ways of dealing with every possible need.  I want you to know that it doesn’t mean you’re finished, that it’s over…No it means that it is a new beginning, and that we can do it and working together it will be that much easier. 

This lifestyle we are talking about is called ‘A BALANCED LIFE’ where by…no matter what takes place anywhere we are ready, provided for and able to meet the needs of ourselves, and others who will need help.  I am living in a small community, where there is caring, where we look out for each other, it is certainly different than in major centers, where you do not even know your neighbours.  I am ready for more.  To be continued…………